In our ongoing effort to provde better and more efficient services for our residents, Manchester Village is pleased to announce our electronic carrying charges payment service.
Carrying charges may now be paid online via Residents will be required to register a new account prior to making the first payment. Once your account has been made, you simply need to log in to the account to make your carrying charge payment.
Payments can be made using either bank draft, eCheck or any major credit card. Sorry, we cannot accept American Express at this time.
Click on the logo below to enter

Partial payments are not permitted!
Partial payments will be returned and late payment penalties will be applied if applicable.
Late payments must be paid in the office!
Carrying charges are late if they are not in the office by the tenth (10th) day of every month.
Late payments will be assessed a late charge of $25.00. An additional fee of $1.00 per day will be assessed until such time as carrying charges are paid in full.
Under no circumstances will carrying charges be allowed to remain unpaid past the end of the month in which they are due.
Any carrying charge payments made after the tenth (10th) day of the month must be in the form of a money order or cashiers check. Personal checks will not be accepted after the tenth(10th) day of the month. |